Steam is still the primary source of electricity in the world and steam is also a very important process plant raw material for a variety of chemical processes.
We are catering to the needs of power plants and steam users since 1971 and have the required approvals of Indian boiler regulators (IBR) since then as well.
Our workshop is approved for manufacturing valves with IBR certifications of sizes from 15mm nb to 1000mm nb and pressure ratings from 150# to 2500# which is one of the largest approvals range at a single location in India.
The problems with these valves are very unique and directly affect the plant efficiency due to steam leakage, valve passing, or gearbox failure. For solutions to such problems please look at our page troubleshooting for valves.
We at m/s. Venus engineering works have understood these problems and have come up with unique solutions for the same as well.